The newly equipped ICT skills training studio underpins the ‘Money Smart Work Wise’ service which is desperately needed to help ‘Rebuilding Lives’ clients manage the transition from receiving fortnightly benefit payments (range of separate entitlements) to one monthly lump sum, as it will be from June 2018 after the introduction of Universal Credit. Such a move requires financial management skills and tools (financial products such as jam-jar bank accounts) which many clients do not currently possess.

The skills training suite is located in Filwood Broadway at The Matthew Tree Project’s ‘Rebuilding Lives Support Centre’ and where 24.1% of residents claim out-of-work benefits.

The ICT skills training studio seeks to:

  • Build links with employers to understand what skills shortages there are and what training/skills/qualifications prospective employees would need. Then using this knowledge and connections create the opportunities for clients and people on low incomes to up-skill and fill the skills-shortage gaps
  • Provide free interest access, with support if needed
  • Host ESOL courses
  • Host basic internet and PC training courses
  • Provide training and support for welfare related activities, i.e. making online applications; understanding entitlements; lodging appeals
  • Provide training in job search, CV writing, job applications and career advice
  • Provide support in identify other training providers and courses that would be of benefit and how to apply