Our aim is to connect people and families in crisis together through services, activities and skills training they need and would benefit from, in a seamless and easy way.

We demonstrate a real commitment to service users by involving them in the service design, development and delivery. A key document that demonstrates our efforts in this regard is our 'Theory of Change Framework' produced in 2015 by an independent consultant. It was very helpful in setting out our 'outcomes focus' linked to our impacts.

By 2018, TMTP has become one of the largest 20% of UK charities, operating from 4 'Support Centres' providing a full 'wrap-around' range of services to over 1000 people, conducting 9480 crisis support sessions, and giving out the equivalent of circa. 104,000 meals, annually.

The efficiency and effectiveness of the unique 'Rebuilding Lives' model is made possible by the commitment and dedication of an army of well trained and expertly supervised volunteers who give of their time freely each and every week because they 'care' and are inspired by The Matthew Tree Project ethos and vision, of how to help and empower people in need to build a healthier, happier and better future for themselves.

Coupled with the donations of good quality, nutritious food - also freely given to The Matthew Tree Project, each and every week by the food industry and a compassionate general public, the relative 'low cost' and 'high impact' pioneering ‘Rebuilding Lives’ model created by The Matthew Tree Project is now proven to provide a real 'step-change' in the way people and families in crisis can be supported into independence. And this is why the model should be replicated across the whole of the UK and throughout Europe.